
Iraqis were never new to the topic of bridges, as their country with its two eternal rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, and its sub-rivers and irrigation channels established by the Babylonian and Assyrian civilizations were filled with crossings, some of which are still visible today. Previously, the construction of bridges and causeways was monopolized by foreign companies and some government companies due to the significant technical and material effort required. Therefore, the company realized the importance of owning the advanced technical capabilities in this sector, where it provided the latest equipment, machines, and modern technologies, as follows:

– The introduction of eight modern German drilling machines to execute pillars with diameters of up to 2 meters and depths of more than 45 meters.
– The introduction of a system for transporting and installing giant concrete slabs that weigh up to 100 tons.
– The introduction of a sliding mold system through modern technology enables the implementation of bridges with concrete spans exceeding 100 meters and up to 200 meters, whereas the current technology used in Iraq to implement concrete bridge spans is only for lengths ranging from 20 to 36 meters. This new system provides significant time and cost-saving in bridge construction.
– Production of precast concrete slabs up to 36 meters long using the pulling and steam curing system.

The company achieved significant and giant achievements in the field of bridges and overpasses, not only in terms of engineering and material effort but also during the strategic period over 15 years, as no entity has implemented bridges on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers during this period. The number of bridges and overpasses implemented by the company exceeds 72 bridges and overpasses, and it has implemented large numbers of bridges and overpasses in the provinces of Basra, Kut, Baghdad, Babylon, Karbala, Thi Qar, Samawah, Kirkuk, Diwaniyah, Maysan, and Najaf Al-Ashraf.

Our company has implemented more than eight bridges in Basra province to improve traffic flow within the city and a 20 km road with river crossing bridges. Among the bridges implemented by the company are:

– Concrete Imam Ali (AS) bridge in Kufa, Najaf province
– Sheikh Saad concrete bridge in Wasit province
– Intersection bridge (Prophet Ibrahim Bridge) in Nasiriyah province
– Habib Subah and Al-Sakka bridges in Nasiriyah
– Three bridges on the Diwaniyah road in Najaf province
– Faihaa bridge in Babil province
– Qarghuliya bridge maintenance
– Zubeidiya bridge in Kut province
– Mutanabi intersection bridge in Kut
– Sadaa intersection bridge in Amarah
– Rural road implementation in Najaf province
– Thawra intersection bridge in Babil
– Republic intersection bridge in Amarah
– Highway to the airport
– Sports City bridge
– Rissala intersection bridge in Amarah
– Teachers River Bridge in Amarah
– Mustansiriya intersection bridge in Baghdad
– Diyar bridge on the Shatt al-Arab in Basra
– Imam Ali intersection bridge in Karbala
– Fatima Zahra intersection in Karbala
– Qithara intersection bridge in Dhi Qar and Nasiriyah
– Martyrs Bridge in Samarra
– Saif Saad intersection bridges in Karbala
– Multiple bridges on the eastern Tigris river and dams
– Suspended Sarai bridge in Amarah
– 8 intersection bridges in Basra city
– West Ali bridge in Amarah-Maysan
– Ahl al-Haqq bridge in Kut
– Zainab intersection bridge in Karbala
– Khutwa bridge in Basra